Wants Your Input By Aug. 02, 2017 On:
DTSC Public WorkshopAdministrative Penalties Regulations to Evaluate Possible Revisions
The DTSC is holding a public workshop August 7, 2019 to discuss potential changes to how they calculate administrative penalties for violations. The format will include small discussion groups where the DTSC will accept verbal feedback on three topics. The Industrial Environmental Coalition / Orange County (IECOC) is planning to attend the workshop and provide feedback on behalf of our members.
If you are interested in helping to shape the IEC/OC feedback, please provide comments on the following questions to Dave Boggs ( by Friday, August 2.
Details about the current penalty determination process and some of the alternative ideas DTSC has identified can be found at:
Topic 1: Determining the Potential for Harm and Extent of Deviation for Each Violation
Topic 2: The Penalty Matrix and Initial Penalty Adjustment Factors
Topic 3: Multiple Violations, Multiday Violations, Base Penalty, and Adjustments to the Total Base Penalty
Industrial Environmental Coalition/Orange County P.O. 61511, Irvine, CA 92602 Tel: 657.210.2432 Email: Website: